Arohi Eye: Leading the Way as Squint Specialists in Mumbai


In the bustling city of Mumbai, Arohi Eye has emerged as a beacon of specialized eye care, particularly in the field of squint correction. As dedicated squint specialists in Mumbai, Arohi Eye has been instrumental in transforming the lives of individuals dealing with strabismus, commonly known as a squint. This article explores the distinctive expertise of Arohi Eye as leading squint specialists in Mumbai, shedding light on their commitment to precision, advanced treatments, and patient-centric care.

Understanding Squint and Its Impact:

A squint, or strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly, causing one eye to turn inward, outward, upward, or downward. Apart from the cosmetic concerns, untreated squint can lead to functional and vision-related issues. Recognizing the significance of addressing this condition, Arohi Eye has positioned itself as a specialized destination for those seeking expert care and effective solutions for squint correction in Mumbai.

Expertise in Squint Correction:

Arohi Eye's journey as squint specialists in Mumbai is marked by a commitment to excellence in both pediatric and adult squint correction. Led by a team of skilled and experienced ophthalmologists specializing in strabismus, Arohi Eye employs a comprehensive approach to diagnose and treat squint effectively. Their expertise extends to both simple and complex cases, ensuring personalized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

State-of-the-Art Diagnostic and Treatment Modalities:

As leaders in squint correction in Mumbai, Arohi Eye employs state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies to accurately assess the underlying causes of squint. This precision in diagnosis is crucial in formulating targeted treatment plans. The availability of advanced treatment modalities, including non-surgical and surgical options, positions Arohi Eye as a comprehensive center for squint correction.

Non-Surgical Interventions:

Arohi Eye recognizes that not all cases of squint necessitate surgical intervention. Non-surgical approaches, such as vision therapy, corrective lenses, and eye exercises, are often effective in addressing mild to moderate squint. Arohi Eye's specialists meticulously evaluate each case to determine the most suitable non-surgical approach, prioritizing patient comfort and optimal outcomes.

Advanced Surgical Solutions:

For cases requiring surgical intervention, Arohi Eye offers advanced surgical solutions for squint correction in Mumbai. Their experienced ophthalmic surgeons utilize cutting-edge techniques to realign the eye muscles, achieving a harmonious and functional alignment. Arohi Eye's commitment to minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth recovery process underscores their patient-centric approach.

Pediatric Squint Care:

Arohi Eye recognizes the importance of early intervention in pediatric squint cases. Their specialized pediatric ophthalmologists are adept at addressing squint concerns in children, emphasizing the significance of timely diagnosis and appropriate intervention to prevent long-term vision issues. Arohi Eye's child-friendly environment ensures that young patients receive compassionate and effective squint care.

Patient-Centric Approach:

At the core of Arohi Eye's success as squint specialists in Mumbai is their unwavering commitment to patient-centric care. Every step of the squint correction journey is marked by personalized attention, clear communication, and a supportive environment. Arohi Eye's team ensures that patients and their families are well-informed, actively involving them in the decision-making process for a more empowered healthcare experience.


Arohi Eye stands as a trailblazer in the realm of squint correction in Mumbai, redefining standards of excellence in specialized eye care. With a focus on precision, advanced treatments, and patient-centric care, Arohi Eye has become the trusted destination for individuals seeking effective solutions for squint-related concerns. Whether pediatric or adult squint, non-surgical or surgical interventions, Arohi Eye's dedicated team of squint specialists in Mumbai is committed to illuminating the path to optimal eye health and visual harmony.


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