Arohi Eye: Your Trusted Squint Specialist in Mumbai


In the bustling city of Mumbai, where every nook and corner is teeming with life, Arohi Eye stands out as a beacon of excellence in ophthalmic care. Specializing in a myriad of eye conditions, Arohi Eye takes pride in its team of dedicated professionals, with a particular focus on being a leading squint specialist in Mumbai.

Understanding Squint:

A squint, medically known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly. It can occur in various forms, affecting individuals of all ages. Arohi Eye recognizes the significance of addressing this condition promptly, as untreated squints may lead to visual impairment and impact the overall quality of life.

Expertise at Arohi Eye:

As a premier eye care center in Mumbai, Arohi Eye boasts a team of skilled and experienced ophthalmologists specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of squints. These specialists utilize state-of-the-art technology and a patient-centric approach to provide comprehensive care tailored to individual needs.

Comprehensive Diagnosis:

Arohi Eye's approach to squint management begins with a thorough diagnosis. The team employs advanced diagnostic tools to assess the severity and type of squint, enabling them to formulate an effective treatment plan. The goal is not only to correct the misalignment but also to address any underlying issues contributing to the condition.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

Arohi Eye understands that each patient is unique, and so is their squint. The specialists at Arohi Eye tailor treatment plans to meet the specific requirements of each individual. From non-surgical interventions, such as vision therapy and exercises, to surgical correction when necessary, Arohi Eye offers a comprehensive range of solutions to address squints effectively.

Cutting-Edge Surgical Interventions:

For cases requiring surgical correction, Arohi Eye employs cutting-edge techniques performed by skilled surgeons. The center is equipped with modern surgical facilities, ensuring precision and safety during squint correction procedures. The focus is not only on achieving cosmetically pleasing results but also on restoring binocular vision for optimal functionality.

Patient-Centric Care:

At Arohi Eye, patient satisfaction is at the core of their practice. The dedicated staff ensures a warm and welcoming environment, guiding patients through every step of their squint treatment journey. Clear communication, empathy, and transparency are the pillars of Arohi Eye's patient-centric care approach.

Beyond Treatment – Educational Initiatives:

Arohi Eye goes beyond being just a treatment center; it is committed to raising awareness about eye health. The center regularly conducts educational initiatives and outreach programs to disseminate information about the importance of early detection and intervention for squints. By empowering the community with knowledge, Arohi Eye aims to contribute to the overall eye health of Mumbai residents.


In the dynamic landscape of Mumbai's healthcare, Arohi Eye emerges as a distinguished squint specialist in mumbai, offering comprehensive and personalized care. With a commitment to excellence, advanced technology, and a patient-centric approach, Arohi Eye stands as a trusted partner in the journey towards optimal eye health, ensuring that residents of Mumbai receive top-notch squint care.



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